Sunday 29 November 2015

Identy kit

Identy kit

Hi, welcome to my blog. I am Cedric Urbain, I live in Mol just like my two step-brothers. I come from Belgium and still live there. Like I said I have 2 step-brothers and 1 step-sister. I really like riding on my  skate board and going to the skatepark. I also like playing video games. I live with my mom and dad in a restaurant.

Best friends

One of my best friends is Kobe. We are at the same school. He is also 14 years old. He plays the guitar, does Ju-Jitsu and plays video games. We know eachother since 2012. We both like playing video games so that’s really nice.


One of my hobby’s is skating, I mostly do it outside or at a skatepark. I think its really fun to learn new tricks. Overal I just really like doing it. If I go to the skatepark it’s mostly with friends. Sometimes I just skate outside at my own.

Last super weekend

My last super weekend was when I was at oostduinkerke with my friend. We did a lot of fun things like going to a skatepark. I hung out a lot with my friend. We didn’t go to any relatives.


When it’s Christmas even we eat a lot and have fun with the family. We pay board games and do some other stuff. I’m also going to see some friends. Hopefully  I’m going to get a lot of presents.

When it’s all done I’m going to be really tired so I’m going to sleep a long time…